Spokes 8 & 1

START: What3Words - knowledge.headrest.ready

8.2 miles + 1.1 miles to start and finish at Explore BoA in the centre of town.

This walk  follows spokes 8 and 1 of the Bradford on Avon Walking Wheel, linked by a section of the Outer Circle. The spokes are waymarked with blue roundels and the outer circle green. Follow in a clockwise direction.

You start by following the blue waymarkers of Spoke 8 at the entrance to Bearfield Recreation Ground in Ashley Road in the N of the town. The first 800m is on the Macmillan Way.

Cross the recreation ground half left, in a NW direction to pass through four fields. When you enter the fourth field aim half left to the hedge at a point about 150m up from the main road below.

Cross straight over the lane and into another, very large field. Take care here as it's not clear where you should be aiming for. Continue half left to cross a stile then downhill to another stile. A large field opens out in front of you; aim for a point in the hedge slightly to the left of the wood you see beyond over to the right.

Go through the gate between the two wooded areas. Continue up ahead then turn right, passing the buildings of Inwoods on your left. At the main road cross straight over and turn left to join a footpath heading due N, crossing several fields to join a farm track. Bear half left, cross another track and enter Monkton Farleigh alongside the church.

Turn left onto the road to join the Outer Circle. You now follow the green waymarkers..

Turn right on the lane to pass round the Manor House and join another lane. Turn right then left in front of the Manor to pick up the footpath that goes straight down the lovely avenue of trees. Keep to the left then just before the bottom head slightly right to cross the stile in the corner into the next field. Keep ahead to reach the road.

Cross straight over to soon join a lane, turn right on this then soon right again to join Spoke 1. Follow the blue waymarkers into the field, keeping to the right. After passing between some houses you reach a lane in South Wraxall, turn right, pass the church then turn left at the junction, opposite The Longs Arms.

You quickly reach a gap in the hedge on your right to cross a field to another lane; turn left then right to wiggle through Lower Wraxall.

At the crossroads go straight ahead and follow the lane for about 350m. Then turn off left through a gate into a field and cross a small stream. The path now winds uphill more or less due S. N.B. There is currently a diversion while the Cumberwell Park Golf Course is being extended; the work is due to be completed in the Autumn of 2022.

When you reach Leigh Grove Farm (now all dwellings) follow right round the first buildings then turn left onto the track, this leads to the B3105. Turn right and keep on the grass verge in front of some cottages, then cross the stile opposite into a field (horses sometimes in here, but they're OK).

Turn half right to cross stiles over a driveway then enter a fenced path between two fields. Follow this all the way to the A363. Turn left to walk down the road, past houses, as far as Ashley Road on your right. Spoke 1 finishes here, only about 250m from where you started and you join the Inner Circle.

FINISH: What3Words - microfilm.hobby.dock


Spokes 7 & 8